we celebrated Christmas this morning at our house since we’ll be with my family over Christmas.  we started our morning by telling sean about the birth of Jesus using sean’s children’s Bible.  we sang three Christmas hymns and then got ready for breakfast.  my husband thanked God for sending Jesus as our prayer before breakfast.  sean really enjoyed our breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage, and the homemade almond danish.  my heart melted as i watched sean eat and enjoy his breakfast.  he just sat their quietly eating.

after breakfast, we opened presents.  sean, by far, received the most presents.  it was very sweet and cute watching sean open presents.  he doesn’t quite understand that he gets presents at Christmas (which is great!), so sean would open one present and want to just play with that present.  we had to encourage him to open his other presents.  he really liked all of his presents, which were mostly from my in-laws.  🙂

i had a nice time spending time with my family and just watching sean play with all his toys.  🙂